Medieval, silver mine city 60 km east of Prague is one of the most admirable sights of Czech Bohemia. Built upon steep slopes of Vrchlice Creek it's a perfect example of real 3D architecture - something you don't see in flat lands.
With flourishing silver mining Kutna Hora became one of the richest towns of 15th century Europe and this splendor is still well visible. Magnificent churches raised with no account of savings, distinctive royal premises and generously funded art pieces provide truly noble atmosphere for sightseeing. Probably most charming is the bridge leading to St. Barbara Cathedral, biggest attraction of the city. From here you can see whole rows of houses crawling up the hill crowned with Church of St James and encompassed by vast vineyards.
The Stone House, Vlassky Dvur and beautiful Gothic fountain are popular postcard landmarks but I found the noble peacefulness of the city as a whole most captivating. For those seeking for emotions it's good to step out of old town center and find the Bone Chapel in the district of Sedlec.
Accommodation ranges from luxury, in the very heart of old town - like Hotel Opat, through decent like Zlata Stoupa (60 euro /double) or U Kata (40 euro / double) to cheaper pension houses.

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