On the way south to Tuscany we have been dying to see a strap of water for some kind of summer refreshment as late May heat was exceeding 40 C. That's how we were driven to beach heaven of Ligurian coast.
It was our first encounter with Julian Alps, in Slovenia. We drove from Villach (Austria), through Kranjska Gora towards Trenta and Bovec - centers of local hiking frenzy. On the way to camping we stopped at Mangrt Saddle, the highest asphalt point in whole Slovenia, and we took up 5 hours hike.
Medieval, silver mine city 60 km east of Prague is one of the most admirable sights of Czech Bohemia. Built upon steep slopes of Vrchlice Creek it's a perfect example of real 3D architecture - something you don't see in flat lands.
We discovered its beauty by utter accident - coming back by car from Sicily we wanted to avoid well known route through Tuscany so we took direction towards east. And that paid off splendidly...
It takes one hour to fly from Denpasar, Bali to Labuanbajo on the island of Flores. Yet, it seems like a thousand of light years - from friendly civilization to rough wilderness.
Primarily, you might want to visit Alps around Salzburg for mountains themselves - whether you're into climbing, trekking or just taking cable line all the way up. That's something we did in 2008 for several days and then tired we sought refuge at the lakes. And that was truly the best part...
In the most souther tip of Bali you'll find Bukit Peninsula - scenic cliffs and windy beaches flooded with Australians which have surprising tendency to behave like arrogant colonizers. Nevertheless, it's still a wonderful place to be...
It was total coincidence for us to find ourselves there. Wandering by car through winding roads of Chianti region, stopping at the local vineyards to take pictures, go just south... we came across a sign showing direction to Brolio. With promising icon of castle.
That's undoubtedly big exaggeration, but it's hard to deny that over 1000 year old city of Gdańsk is tainted with splendid atmosphere of Hanseatic Leage, ever present culture and some really stunning channel views.
Splendid views, perfectly maintained trails and very versatile landscape. All this, plus usually good snow conditions thorough most of winter, make Jizerske Hory in Czech Republic mountains a true mecca for all fans of cross country skiing.
In general terms, south of Sicily has so much more to offer than north half of island, the same as easter jewels definitely beat everything that you can see on the west. So, if you have limited time to stay on the island of ancient gods, best is to opt for a route from Messina down the coast and then at least until Agrigento...
Definitely not the most famous nor popular one, and thank God for that. We discovered this gem quite accidentally driving in rush off the crowded beaches of Costa Brava massive tourism.